Donation Terms

The Antony Kidman Foundation (the “Foundation”) is a private philanthropic organisation, established by the late Dr Antony Kidman to support the Kidman Centre UTS, both financially and through the provision of advisory and other support.

By donating to the Foundation, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions including our refund policy. Please review the following prior to making your donation.

The Foundation may change these terms and conditions at any time. Notice of any changes to these terms and conditions will be provided by publishing on this website and any donation made after the date of such change will be subject to those amended terms.

How do I make a donation?

Donations can be made in the form of one-off donations, regular donations or bequests.  

All transactions are processed in Australian dollars (AUD).

If you would like to make a direct donation to the Foundation or would like to discuss donations options generally, please contact us via email sent to

For bequests, please see the separate section below.

Will I get a receipt?

Yes, you will receive an email receipt immediately after donating and if you make a regular gift (i.e. donations provided on monthly, quarterly or predetermined regular intervals) you will receive an annual tax receipt and statement shortly after the end of the relevant financial year summarising all donations received from you during that financial year. While anonymous donations are accepted, a tax deductible receipt cannot be issued in these circumstances.

Is my donation tax deductible?

Donations of $2 or more to the Foundation are tax deductible, depending on your personal tax position.

What will my donation be used for?

Your donation will be used to further the objects of the Foundation which are primarily directed towards supporting The Kidman Centre, UTS.

The Foundation, acting reasonably, will determine how donated funds should be best applied in pursuit of its objects and in accordance with its Constitution.

If the Foundation agrees to accept a direct donation on the basis that it is designated for a specific purpose, the Foundation will use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that the donation is used that purpose.

Can I make a bequest to the Foundation in my will?

Yes. Every contribution through a bequest, no matter the size or format, is incredibly vital to preventing and reducing mental health problems in young people and is greatly appreciated.

Should you wish to leave a gift in your will, please contact us at and we will provide you with such further information you may need to implement that bequest.  

We recommend you seek advice and consult your legal advisor or solicitor before making any changes to your will.    

Can I request a refund?

As we’re sure you can appreciate, it is extremely difficult to return funds once they have been donated, especially if they have already been used. As such, and except as provided below, all donations are final and no refunds will be available.

Nonetheless, the Foundation will give reasonable consideration to providing a refund if:

  • a material error or misrepresentation has been shown to have been made by the Foundation, acting reasonably;
  • the Foundation’s banking details were fraudulently obtained and used; 
  • the donation occurred as a result of a fraud on the donor or was otherwise made without the authority of the donor; 
  • a request to cancel regular donations was not implemented by the Foundation on accordance with a proper cancellation request from the donor. 

Any request for a refund of donations will be considered and determined by the Board of the Foundation on a case-by-case basis. To submit a request for refund, please email us at

In all instances, the Antony Kidman Foundation will not refund past the current tax year, unless there are special circumstances approved by the Board. 

Approved refunds will be paid to the bank account or credit card originally debited (as the case may be) within 30 days of the decision.

Who can I contact for further information?

We welcome enquiries by email: 

To learn more about The Kidman Centre, UTS, please go to